Wrinkle Reduction – Genix Healthcare

Wrinkle Reduction

Active ageing involves taking care of your appearance, and it begins with your face and your smile. Dentists are in a truly unique position in being able to offer holistic appearance-related care—combining facial and dental aesthetics—in a safe and hygienic environment. Genix is proud to offer the full range of services in facial aesthetics, including wrinkle-reduction with neuromuscular modulator toxins. After all, you don’t stop smiling when you grow old, you grow old when you stop smiling!

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They say ageing is when you start to realize that your skin spends more time relaxing than you do! Your wrinkles are a consequence of ageing of the facial tissues, which involves combined changes in skin quality, volume depletion, decreased tissue elasticity, redistribution of subcutaneous fullness, progressive bone resorption and gravitational descent. Loss of wonder skin components like collagen, hyaluronic acid and fat reduce the plump appearance and glow of your skin.

Botulinum toxin treatments provide solutions for several issues that affect the ageing face, including the following:

  • Smoothing facial lines and wrinkles

⁃   Forehead lines that flow along horizontally

⁃   Frown lines or worry lines—called ‘glabellar lines’—that flow alond vertically

⁃   Bunnies that etch the bridge of the nose between the eyes

⁃   Crow’s feet—called ‘lateral canthal lines’—radiating from the corners of the eyes

⁃   Laugh lines—called ‘nasolabial folds’—that form a bracket shape around the upper lip

⁃   Lip lines that wrinkle vertically around the lip

⁃   Smoker’s wrinkles which are pucker lines around the edges of the lips

⁃   Jowl wrinkles—called ‘Marionette lines’—that frame the chin vertically as the cheeks droop

⁃   Turkey neck or neck lines caused by wrinkles in saggy neck skin

  • Treating therapeutic indications in the oral or peri-oral areas like:

⁃   Temporo-mandibular joint—TMJ—disorders

⁃   Bruxism and clenching

⁃   Muscle hyperactivity to prevent relapse after orthodontic treatment and to improve retention of removable dentures

⁃  Neural pain including trigeminal neuralgia

⁃   Sialorrhea

Botulinum toxin treatments offer several advantages. They are minimally invasive, requiring only a few small injections, which means there’s little to no downtime for recovery. This makes them a convenient option for busy individuals. The treatments are effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, providing a smoother and more youthful look. Additionally, they can address various medical conditions, improving the quality of life for many patients. The effects are temporary, allowing for adjustments in treatment over time to achieve the desired results.

Facial aesthetic treatments delivered at Genix are non-surgical, and as a result, gentler than surgical facial enhancements. Restoring the youthfulness of your face brings with it a plethora of benefits, including:

  • Boost in confidence and self esteem
  • Enhancement in social interactions thanks to the improved quality of life
  • Minimally invasive intervention compared to surgical face enhancement
  • Quick and hassle-free recovery with fewer side effects compared to surgical facelifts
  • Comprehensiveness of cosmetic uplift by combining dental as well as facial aesthetics
  • Access to the unique expertise of dentists with the study of facial structures and injectables that is an integral part of dentistry curriculum and practice
  • Cost-effectiveness and affordability compared to surgery

Facial aesthetic treatments involve the careful study of the face to understand what enhancements are needed to restore youthfulness. The assessment points out the creases, lines and wrinkles that are caused by a combination of skin changes and muscle pull.

The treatments planned usually target either correcting skin laxity or muscle pull, or a combination of both. Skin corrections involve the use of different enhancers called dermal fillers. Alleviating the muscle pull involves the use of botulinum toxin.

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Used in minute and measured quantities, the neurotoxin interrupts the contraction process of the muscles by modulating nerve signals and causes temporary muscle relaxation. The effects can usually last up to 3 months—and sometimes as long as up to 6 months—as the muscle slowly and steadily returns to its full function and with no side-effects. Apart from relieving the muscle pull to smooth wrinkles for cosmetic purposes and to correct gummy smiles, botulinum toxin serves numerous useful therapeutic functions including treating the following: temporo-mandibular joint—TMJ—disorders, bruxism and clenching, muscle hyperactivity to prevent relapse after orthodontic treatment and to improve retention of removable dentures, neural pain including trigeminal neuralgia, and sialorrhea.

While the treatment procedure for facial aesthetic enhancements is simple, meticulous planning and preparation is necessary to ensure that all desired changes are achieved and maintained for the longest possible duration. This is why the initial consultation is critical to discuss goals and create a personalized treatment plan. It also allows you to discuss your concerns and to understand the outcome expectations clearly.

Depending on the complexity and the treatment modality used, the treatment may require one or multiple sessions. All facial aesthetic enhancements at Genix are planned in minute detail, mapping the facial anatomy carefully and harmonising facial aesthetics with the design of your smile. This allows your Genix Expert to deliver the treatments in a precise, minimally-invasive manner with minimal discomfort, and low post-operative sequelae.

The sequence of steps in the majority of situations is as follows:

Appointment 1
In-depth consultation with a history and an examination

Discussion of treatment goals and possibilities

Creation of your bespoke treatment plan, taking care to harmonise dental with facial aesthetics

Appointment 2
Application of the selected treatment modality using gentle injectable techniques

Post-operative instructions

You are now ready to captivate the heart and soul of others with your beauty!

Follow-up visits may be scheduled by your Genix Expert to ensure desired results with additional application of boosters and to address any concerns you may have.

  • It is essential to follow aftercare instructions provided by your dental professional. These may include avoiding sun exposure to protect treated areas, staying hydrated to help maintain skin elasticity, and avoiding touching treated areas to prevent infection.
  • It may be necessary to schedule regular check-ups to monitor progress and maintain results. Ensure that you keep up with the follow-ups to preserve the positive changes.
  • It is important to consult a professional who is qualified—like our Genix Experts—to offer these treatments to ensure that they are suitable for you, understand the minimal risks, and be aware of potential side effects which are mostly transient.
  • What often helps is to maintain realistic expectations. Clearly understanding what the treatments can achieve before starting the process plays a critical role in making both your journey and your destination with facial aesthetic enhancements the joy you expect them to be!

Imagine walking into Genix for a botulinum toxin treatment and leaving not just with a smoother forehead but also with a smile so dazzling it could blind a small village. Our Genix Experts are like fairy godparents, waving their magic syringes to turn back the clock on your wrinkles while making sure your teeth are as sparkling as your new youthful glow. It’s like getting a two-for-one deal at a beauty and dental spa, where the only thing more lifted than your spirits is your brow! So what are you waiting for?

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